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I am no longer healthy :( but I am working on it!

So after finally deciding that I HAD TO DO SOMETHING about my lack of energy and "mood swings" I made an appointment with a naturopath. I googled my area and found someone that seemed to specialise in what I was after. I rang her and had a quick chat and made an appointment time. She then asked me to bring any supplements etc that I am currently taking. I laughed out loud! For those that know me, I am generally a pretty straight shooter with a no nonsense attitude- this rings true to most facets of my life, including supplements! She said that was fine, but that some people did come with two shopping bags full!

I wasn't sure what to expect as she had also mentioned "healing" on her website which frightened me slightly. We spent an hour going over my lifestyle, my stresses, diet, physical wellbeing etc etc. She spoke about the main areas I wanted to work on immediately and that we could add more on as time went by and we had dealt with the main priorities. She didn't make me feel bad for wanting to eat chocolate when I was tired, nor did she look down on me for not currently exercising (who has time?). BUT you know what she did do?? She gave me a plan of attack for the next few works with support along the way. She said it wasn't going to be an instant turnaround but I should start to see the differences in around a week! I feel better for having gone, I feel better for having a plan and I feel better knowing I'm not the most unhealthy person out there!

I started thinking about my appointment and how so many "health gurus" who are so passionate about what they do would think my life is one big shambles. I then started thinking about being passionate about something and making it your career of choice. I then realised that's exactly what I have done and the process I went through with the naturopath, believe it or not, is the same process I go through with clients. Instead of talking rainbow coloured vegetables, I talk balances and returns.

You see, pretending I didn't have health issues or not knowing how to get back on track or where to turn for a change in lifestyle meant I needed someone who deals with this all the time. That is exactly what a financial planner does. We look at your current situation, chat about where you want to be, what your main priorities are right now and where you want to be further down the track. We then put a PLAN IN PLACE and work on it. It's that simple. I had put off doing anything about my health as I thought I could do it on my own... is that what you are thinking about your finances?

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